Saturday, February 10, 2018

The Months Fly By But I'm Still Eatin'!

Hiya folks! Can't believe it's already February!

It has been a couple months since I last touched base with ya. But with the holidays and us sliding into 2018 so fast, I've been playing a bit of catch up honestly...There were however plenty of new experiences and foodie fun out there during this time and I'll try and share as much as I can with you in this post. Without boring you to tears of course... ;)

I love food! Which I think is pretty obvious considering I created my own food show and blog...Something I love about this whole shebang, is the fact that I get to meet all sorts of incredible like-minded, creative people in the process. The chefs or "food artists" I've met since I started this have become good friends of mine and their amazing food creations have helped me keep this thang going! Plus I've gotten to eat these dishes, so that's always good! ;)

But basically what I'm thinking for this post is to just throw a bunch of food related pics at ya and see what you think? That should keep your interest and make you hungry hopefully! Ha! That's another thing I always want to do with my content is make you hungry! Commence to drooling...

Okay, so we've got Valentine's Day coming up this week and I think you need to get your special someone a lovely doughnut bouquet! Just saying...Ha! Daylight Donuts here in Leeds/Moody is a place that has them where I live. Don't these look tasty? And sprinkles, everybody loves sprinkles! Especially heart-shaped ones!

One final note...If you feel froggy, jump on over to Instagram and follow me @regguyjosh for more pics and foodie fun!